We believe that we should not be adding to the landfill if it can be avoided. Every year products get thrown away because their packaging, boxes, or physical appearances are not quite perfect. At Dear Born, we want to prevent this occurrence and in turn, we offer what we refer to as “Open Box” items. All items in this category will have a description that points out the specifics of their deficiencies. Whether it is a damaged box, no box, or scratched (these are only 3 of many examples), we will be very clear as to what you will be receiving. (imagery will be attached). You will also receive a discount so you are not only saving the environment you are saving your dollars. Be aware that these items will vary each time, so read each description carefully, even if the item is the same, as the deficiency will be different on everything.
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Baby Jogger Chicco and Peg Perego Car Seat Adapter for Single Strollers (BJ1967207) (82216) (Open Box)
Open Box products are Final Sale.No refunds/exchanges/replacements.Condition: Item has been thoroughly inspected and cleaned. Some scratches on the adapter and the foam portion is slightly torn. Otherwise, item is in...
Baby Einstein Nautical Friends Play Gym (Floor Model)
This play gym will take baby on an undersea adventure with its unique ocean-theme. Featuring a whale-shaped prop pillow for tummy time, crab bead chaser, plush baby Neptune rattle, sand...
Baby Brezza Smart Soothing Mat (77306GP) (Open Box)
Open Box products are Final Sale.No refunds/exchanges/replacements.Condition: Item has been thoroughly inspected and washed. Otherwise, item is in good condition.Smart Soothing Mat. The first smart soothing mat that soothes your...
B.O.B Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie Double Jogging Stroller - Graphite Black (79210) (Open Box)
Open Box products are Final Sale.No refunds/exchanges/replacements.Condition: Packaging damaged and has been opened. However, item is untouched and in pristine condition.With the two-seat BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Duallie jogging...
7 A.M. Enfant Cocoon - Black (80514) (Open Box)
Open Box products are Final Sale.No refunds/exchanges/replacements.Condition: Item has been thoroughly inspected and cleaned. Some fraying at the seams. Otherwise, item is in good condition.Think of the Car Seat Cocoon...
4Moms RockaRoo Bouncer - Classic Grey (79334) (Open Box)
Open Box products are Final Sale.No refunds/exchanges/replacements.Condition: No Packaging and no user manual. Item has been thoroughly inspected and cleaned. Otherwise, item is in good condition. The 4moms rockaRoo provides...
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